I grew up in Kharagpur before venturing to attend Scottish Church College, Kolkata for my B.Sc. I discovered a passion for chemistry research in the lab of Tarun K. Sarkar, developing methodologies for oxo-alkyne benzannulation reaction at IIT Kharagpur during my M.Sc. I completed my Ph.D. at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur under the mentorship of Professor Abhishek Dey studying the electrocatalysis for water splitting and carbon-di-oxide reduction with molecular catalysts. I attended 1st Cyclic Voltammetry International School at University of Paris, Diderot as a part of enhancing my research skills in modern electrocatalysis with Professor Jean-Michel Saveāant. I next pursued post-doctoral research with Professor Shannon Stahl at the University of Wisconsin- Madison where I mostly work on thermodynamic control in oxygen reduction reaction with molecular catalysts. Contrasting my work on electrocatalytic activation of small molecules with molecular catalysts, in my second post-doctoral research at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev with Professor Menny Shalom, I focused on electrocatalysis for organic molecule oxidation with heterogeneous catalysts. I joined IIT Gandhinagar in September (13th), 2021 and my research is mostly focused on (photo)-electrocatalysis for energy and biomass conversion..
Academic success depends on research and publications.

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